PVantage™ Safety Data Automation

Pharmacovigilance Adverse Event Management Platform

PVantage is a modular offering, able to scale with your program as case volume increases.

PVantage™ is an innovative platform, that allows drug safety teams to streamline and automate case processing activities to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and compliance.  This tool works with clinical trial and post market safety data and provides the ability to integrate, analyze, and visualize patient, program, and drug class information for greater control and oversight of your safety data.
PVantage is a proprietary cloud-based solution that allows Sponsors to elect the degree of automation of all workflows for case intake, case processing, safety data analysis and generation of standard reports. A dedicated, virtual managed environment provides Sponsors with a consistently updated platform and assures compliance with ever-changing global pharmacovigilance regulations.

Click to learn more about Comprehensive Safety Solutions to accompany this technology.

Case Intake Module

Allows for the automation and streamlining of case intake, including autopopulation of case data from a variety of sources

Data Integration Module

This module enables efficient and seamless data exchange between the Clinical electronic data capture (EDC) system and the Safety database, resulting in time reduction for case processing and data reconciliation while providing increases in quality.

Visualization of Safety Data Dashboards and Compliance Reports

PVantage dashboards allow for the visualization of complex safety data, making it easier to understand and interpret the data using a wide range of visualization options. The customizable data visualization layer allows for near real-time data inquiry and more informed decisions. In addition, sponsors can customize reporting content and cadence, including status reports, cumulative safety listings, KPIs, and other compliance reports.

With PVantage, Sponsors gain an accelerated technological advantage with greater visualization and efficient reporting of safety data.

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